New to SFC?

Here is some helpful information on how to get the most out of your Group membership with Sharing Foals and Calves, SFC Sheep, Sharing Trees and Seedlings and Farmers Unlimited. Whether you're new to link sharing or a veteran breeder, these helpful tips will improve your Facebook group experience!
Welcome to Sharing Foals and Calves!

While this page specifically talks about our original flagship group, Sharing Foals and Calves, this information also applies to our other groups:
* - Exclusive, limited access groups for our most active sharing members only.

Please Note: As of May, 2011, All Sharing Foals and Calves Groups have RELOCATED away from the glitchy, buggy world of Facebook Groups.  You can now find us at!

(Just click on that website, then click on the little Facebook Icon to log in!)

As you probably know, when you post here in the group (and we REALLY encourage you to share all your Foals and Calves with us!), you're posting to a smaller subset of your friends.

Friends who aren't members can't see your posts in here...and members who aren't your friends can't collect them.

This means that if you have more friends in the group, there will be more opportunity for folks to get what you're posting and to also share back with the group! Remember once you become someone's friend, it'll take FV about 48 hours to figure that out and let us collect from each other. It's NOT necessary to be FarmVille NEIGHBORS in order to collect from each other - friends status works just fine!

So, to get the most from being here, you need to do three things:

1. Start adding your fellow members to your Facebook friends. That's the only way we can collect from each other! Let them know you're from Sharing Foals and Calves when you send your request - most folks like to know WHY you're adding them!

2. Encourage your existing friends to join! Just share this link on your page:

That'll take you right to our group!  It's also a good idea to bookmark that page so you can get back to it easily!  To get links to the other groups, just go to that group with the links listed above, and copy the address that appears in your browser's address bar.

3. SHARE! The group isn't called Grabbing Foals and Calves for a reason...I mean, seriously, who's going to join a group with that name? It's also not called 'Get Some Foals and Calves But Share All Yours On Your Own Wall'...mostly because of the same reason, and also because Facebook won't let me make a group name that long.

Yes, people who have not joined the group won't be able to see what you're posting here, and I'm not suggesting that you post 100% to the group, but we can all work together and help each other best if we put our effort into making this an awesome Breeder's group.

That effort starts with YOU. Our management team will do what we can to recruit RESPONSIBLE, ACTIVE members, and to keep the wall clean and scam-free, but we're all twiddling our thumbs here unless everyone steps up and shares with the group a lot more often than we're doing right now.

Although the guidelines and welcome letter below are written specifically for Sharing Foals and Calves, the spirit, principles and intent apply to all SFC Managed Groups...only the group content is different.

Posting Guidelines (for your safety and convenience):
Welcome Letter - SFC:

Interested in posting shortened links?  Most game posts are now too long to be posted on group walls! Click here for a brief tutorial on using, or watch our informative video:

Cheers and Happy Farming,

Farmer John Brown
Sharing Foals and Calves...and Trees....and other stuff.
Member, Zynga's Focused Farmers Group

PS - Remember to let your friends know you're sharing your Foals and Calves here by sharing this link with them:

BecaUse the internet can be a dangerous place....

Don't be fooled by imitations!  There are many link-sharing groups on Facebook - beware of groups which post foals and other items created by 'bot' programs.  These illegitimate game posts can be harmful to your account and your farm.

  • Would you trust a group who allows people who hack the game to post unharmful things?
  • Would you trust a group who allows posts linking back to known hack, phishing, scam and other malware sites?

All artwork incredibly crafted by Cynthia Ton

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