Dear Stupid People:
Nobody hacked your account. You're posting scam posts and sending infected emails because YOU authorized an application that you shouldn't have. You have nobody to blame but yourself.
You tried to see a video, or wanted to play "FarmVille Slots" (which is a big disease-ridden SCAM), attended an event that wasn't a real event, or did something else that common sense should have prevented you from doing. You tried to get something for nothing, and you were successful. You got a rogue application authorized to do whatever it wanted on your Facebook account, and now you're angry with others for telling you what damn near EVERYONE has been saying for months now:
There IS no such thing as a freebie on Facebook. None. Nada. No purple cow, no outer space chicken, no slot machine, no free Facebook credits, no free ANYTHING. You are simply not savvy or cool enough to be the ONE person who discovered some ultimate freebie on Facebook. Trust me on this, people. You didn't stumble upon the ONE thing that actually works. That didn't stop you from trying though, did it? What, exactly will it take you to STOP posting and falling for and clicking on all these obvious SCAMS? You never get ANYTHING from them. Nothing at all. Ever. Really.
Well, that's not exactly true.
You did get something. You likely got a trojan, or a virus, or lost reputation (that's what happens when you prove to everyone else how gullible or stupid you are DESPITE all the repeated warnings), or now you simply have a rogue application authorized to go out and do damage to your account, your farm, and ultimately your computer. YOU did this. Nobody hacked you, you were stupid. Admit it. Embrace it. Now, correct it.
YOU have now put the accounts, farms and COMPUTERS of everyone on your friends list at risk. Everyone. At one point in time, you may have even put MY computer at risk, which in my world is an unforgivable sin. I keep photos, documents, tax returns and other vital information on my computer. I run two small businesses on my computer. I keep all my banking, medical, legal and other records here.
Do you really think I'm going to keep you around to put me at risk just because you think you're going to get a f*cking pink polka-dotted pony for your farm? Seriously?
Not a chance. It's not personal, honestly. I love stupid people as well as I love smart ones. I'm just not going to allow YOUR stupidity to put MY system at risk. Think I'm being harsh? Good. It's about time SOMEONE hurt your feelings to the point that perhaps you'll take a second glance and your behavior and make a change for the better.
Your first step to smartening up is simple: Go check your authorized applications, and REMOVE games you no longer play and applications that you do not use on a regular basis. You can ALWAYS re-authorize them later if you need them.
To do this, click on this link:
This will bring up this screen:
See that second 'Zynga' application? Looks fishy to me, I'll remove that with the X button on the right!
See that? TWO Applications called 'Zynga'? I don't like the looks of the highlighted one. No logo, and it's unfamiliar to me. I'm going to delete so! Now that we've clicked on the X to remove this application, it brings up a confirmation screen:
Click the REMOVE button and wait for another confirmation screen!
If you have successfully removed this application, you'll get the confirmation screen above.
Congratulations. You removed the 'bad' application. This app can no longer run on my Facebook account. It won't send out bogus emails, it won't make up events and invite people to them, it won't send out phony gift requests, it won't post BS to my feed for everyone to click on, etc. Completely gone.
Do this for every application you see in your list that you don't recognize. It won't break anything, I promise.
Also PLEASE do your fellow gamers a favor and do this for games you don't play anymore. It takes you out of the list for those games and prevents people from sending you gifts which end up being wasted. You Level 1 YoVille and Mafia Wars players, I'm talking to YOU. Just go do it now. Seriously. It helps ALL of us when you do that.
Now, the NEXT time you get a screen asking you to authorize an application......which looks like this.....
"Farmville cash" is NOT a legitimate application. Do NOT Click on Allow. Instead, take the extra step and click on the application's highlighted name (see the arrow?). It will take you to the application's Facebook page:
If you get to this screen, there is also a place to 'report' the application as a scam. The more people who report these things, the quicker they get deleted....but I'd rather make sure you BLOCK it.
Do NOT click on "Like". I know some of you like to like everything you see. It's like a sickness with some folks. Just say no and don't do it. Really. INSTEAD, click on "Block Application". If you're feeling adventurous, you can scroll down and on the left hand side at the bottom there's a link to REPORT the application as a scam. The more folks who report, the sooner they get deleted...but let's face it - you click on too many things as it is. Just block it and leave the reporting to folks who are comfortable in doing so. I don't want you to lose this screen before you have a chance to BLOCK the app.
This will take this bogus, criminal scam out of your Facebook life forever. You'll never see anything generated by this application again. You'll be safe, we'll be safe, everyone's happy.
Want to help eradicate the stupidity which is running rampant in our gaming community? Share this out to others. It may be harsh, and some will certainly take offense at the tone of the note, but guess what? That outrage isn't about the note, it's about being called out for being stupid despite the warnings.
Just say NO to scams, folks, and stop blaming others when you're the cause of this mess.
If people didn't click on them, they would not spread, period.
Happy Farming!
Farmer Brown
P.S. - Want to keep up on the latest scams? It's SAFE to LIKE "FarmVille Scams". Honest!
Best thing ever written!! <3